This habit of people saying "we" when they really mean "you" is getting out of hand. Ask these people "so why DO you encourage this?" and they will look at you like you asked them to explain the theory of relativity to you in Pig Latin. So of course you would have to elaborate on your statement "why DO you let these people get away with whatever you are so bloody bothered they are getting away with" at which point they start fumbling for answers, eventually coming up with something like "No, by us I mean...not personally...I mean...we as a society...I mean...". Turn on your bullshit detector all the way to eleven and you will be able to cut through the static and hear what he is really trying to say
"See, I am an asshole who likes to make blindingly obvious statements about society in general but since society also includes the people listening to me right now, I want to tack on a 'we' so I don't sound too offensive and people don't take me to be the bitch I really am"
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